Tanuja P. Ajotikar

Curriculum Vitae

Profile | Curriculum Vitae


  • Email: tanuja@sanskritlibrary.org


  • Ph.D. (2014) Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai.
    Diss.: “Issues in building Sanskrit Wordnet by expansion approach with special reference to part of speech categories,” under the guidance of Prof. Malhar Kulkarni.
  • M.Phil. (2009) Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages, University of Pune, Pune.
    Diss.: “Influence of tantra philosophy on Nāgeśaṅaṭṭa’s sphoṭa theory with special reference to Paramalaghumañjūṣā,” under the guidance of Prof. Kanchan Mande.
    Score: Grade O (outstanding)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Linguistics (2009) Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapitha, Pune.
    Score: First class with distinction
  • NET (National Eligibility Test) (2007) and (2008) for Lecturer.
  • M.A. (2005) Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages, University of Pune, Pune.
    Score: grade O (outstanding)
  • B.A. (2003) Sir Parashurambhau College, affiliated to University of Pune, Pune.
    Score: First class with distinction

Other educational qualifications

  • Saṅkīrṇābhijña (Traditional name of a degree equivalent to predegree or twelth grade) (2005) Vedaśāstrottejakasabhā, Pune.
    Score: First class with distinction
  • Vyākaraṇābhijña (Traditional name of a degree equivalent to predegree or twelth grade with specialization in Pāṇinian Grammar) (2010) Vedaśāstrottejakasabhā, Pune.
    Score: First class

Other skills

  • Read northern and southern Indic scripts, namely, Devanāgarī, Śāradā, Grantha, Malayalam, Tuḷu, Nandināgarī, and Bengali.
  • Trained in using various editors such as Classical Text Editor, various JAVA based tools to create resources for Indian languages, LaTeX, and marking up documents in XML in accordance with TEI.

Professional appointments

  • Lecturer, South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI), University of Wisconsin-Madison. [Taught intermediate Sanskrit], June 2024–Aug. 2024
  • Assistant Professor, The Sanskrit Library, Providence, RI. [Teach several courses on Pāṇinian grammar, Sanskrit literature and digital humanities], June 2019–present
  • Co-Director, India Programs, Department of Sanskrit, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, The Netherlands. [Vaidika Pāṭhaśālā curriculum development], 10 October 2018–present
  • Assistant Professor, Vyākaraṇa, Shree Somanath Sanskrit University, Rajendra Bhuvan Road, Rayon Factory Area, Veraval, Gujarat 362266, 15th January 2020–June 2020
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate, Language Technologies Research Centre, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad and The Sanskrit Library, Providence, RI. [Part-time. Reviewing the digital catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University.], 1st December 2018–31st December 2019
  • Adjunct Faculty at Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa [Assisted the online course on Philosophy of Science], 23rd June 2019–23rd July 2019
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate, The Sanskrit Library, Providence, RI. [Reviewing the digital catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University.], 15th May 2019–31st July 2019
  • Assistant Professor at KAHER’s Shri. B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurveda College, Shahapur, Belgavi, Karnataka. [Taught prescribed syllabus by CCIM includes basic Sanskrit grammar, Vaidyakīyasubhāṣitasāhitya, Pañcatantra etc.], 20th Febraury 2017–6th October 2018
  • Teacher for openpathshala.com (an online academy for teaching Sanskrit). [Taught four courses, ‘Introduction to the R̥gveda (twice)’, `Learn Āyurveda through Sanskrit’ and ‘Introduction to Pāṇinian grammar.’], May 2017–July 2017, November 2017–March 2018 and September 2018–November 2018, July 2019–September 2019
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Sanskrit Library in the project entitled, ‘Digital cataloging of Sanskrit manuscripts at the Houghton Library’, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. [Cataloged the Sanskrit manuscripts digitally.], May 2015–January 2017
  • Associate in the Department of South Asian Studies at Harvard University, May 2015–August 2016
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate in the project entitled, ‘The XML formalization of the Aṣṭādhyāyī’, with Prof. Peter Scharf, The Sanskrit Library. [Formulated Pārinian rules in the XML http://sanskritlibrary.com/derivation.html], August 2013–December 2015
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate in the project entitled, ‘Developing automated text-image alignment to enhance access to heritage manuscript images’, at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai. [Validated the data of the University of Pennsylvania manuscripts.], August 2013–April 2015
  • Research Associate in the project entitled, ‘Critical edition of the Kāśikāvr̥tti’, in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Edited the text using a number of manuscripts with the critical edition software Classical Text Editor.], 2011–April 2015
  • Post Doctoral Research Associate in the project entitled, ‘Computational implementation of Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī’, by Prof Peter Scharf, Blase Pascale Chair, University of Paris Diderot, Paris. [Formulated rules in XML format.], June–July 2013
  • Teaching Assistant in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, Mumbai. [Assisted in various graduate and postgraduate courses run by the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences.], July 2009–June 2013
  • Teacher in ‘Diploma in Manuscriptology’, at Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai, Mumbai. [Taught grantha script.], September 2009
  • Teacher in the summer training camp Vāsantikavarga at Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapitha, Pune. [Taught Sanskrit grammar prescribed in the school curriculum.], 2008–2011
  • Collator in the project entitled, ‘Critical edition of the Yājñavalkyasmr̥ti’, under the guidance of Prof. Patric Olivelle, as a Principle Investigator, University of Texas, Austin. [Collated manuscripts.], 2008–2009
  • Surveyor in the project entitled, ‘National Mission for Manuscripts’, at the Anandasrama Sanstha, Pune. [Catalogued Devanāgarī manuscripts in Prājña Pāṭhaśālā, Wai.], 2005
  • Research Associate in the project entitled, ‘Computer-aided critical edition of the Kāśikāvr̥tti’, at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune. [Collated manuscripts, recorded the readings along with administrative responsibilities.], 2005–2009

Academic honors

  • First Prize for the presentation in the section of Vyākaraṇa āṇi Bhāṣāśāstra at Brihanmaharashtra Pracyavidya Parishada, Gogate–Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, 2009.
  • Two gold medals, ‘The Late N.G. alias Nānāsāheba Suru Goldmedal’ and ‘The Shri. B. J. Patel Diamond Jubilee Trust’ for securing the highest number of marks in Sanskrit principal at M. A. Examination, 2005, University of Pune., received in 2006.
  • Cash Prize awarded by the Government of Maharashtra for securing the highest number of marks in Sanskrit principal at B. A. Examination, 2003, University of Pune., received in 2005.
  • Cash Prizes for securing the highest number of marks in Sanskrit principal at B. A. Examination, 2003, University of Pune., received in 2004.
  • Cash Prize awarded by the Higher Secondary Board, Pune in Sanskrit for securing the highest marks in Sanskrit in the Higher Secondary Board Examination, Board of Pune, Pune., 2000.
  • Gold medal, ‘Dharmasindhukāra Bābā Pādhye’ for securing the highest marks in Sanskrit in the Higher Secondary Board Examination, Board of Pune, Pune., 2000.



Book chapter

  • Bhāṣyāsammatāṣṭādhyāyīpāṭha: A work on variations in the sūtras of the Aṣṭādhyāyī.” śabdānugamaḥ, Indian Linguistic studies in honor of George Cardona, vol. I, Vyākaraṇa and śābdabodha, edited by Peter M. Scharf, pp. 1–49. The Sanskrit Library, Providence, RI, USA, 2021. (With Anuja Ajotikar and Peter M. Scharf.)
  • “Derivation of declension of yuṣmad and asmad in Cāndra grammar.” Devadattīyam, Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume, edited by Voegeli Eltschinger, Feller Candotti, Diaconescu and Malhar Kulkarni, pp. 123-141. Bern, Switzerland: PeterLang, 2012. ISSN 1661-755x (with Malhar Kulkarni and Anuja Ajotikar)

Conference proceedings

  • “Using TEI for digital Sanskrit editions containing commentaries: A study of Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṁśa with Mallinātha’s Sañjīvanī.” Proceedings of 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium. Editors: Amba Kuklarni and Arnab Bhattacharya. pp. 52–66. (With Ketaki Kaduskar and Peter M. Scharf.) 15–17 February, 2024, Auroville, Puducherry, India. (https://iscls.github.io/assets/files/proceedings/2024.iscls.full.pdf).
  • “Development of a TEI standard for digital Sanskrit texts containing commentaries: A pilot study of Bhaṭṭi’s Rāvaṇavadha with Mallinātha’s commentary on the first canto”: Proceedings of World Sanskrit Conference 2022, Section: Digital Humanities and Computational Sciences. Editors: Amba Kuklarni and Oliver Helwig. (With Peter M. Scharf.) https://aclanthology.org/volumes/2023.wsc-csdh/. 2023.
  • “Development of a TEI standard for digital Sanskrit texts containing commentaries.” Bhāṣyaparamparā Jñānapravāhaśca. Editors: Devendranath Pandeya, Dipesh Katira and Janakisharan Acharya. pp. 462–476. Veraval: Shree Somnath Sanskrit University, 2020. (With Peter Scharf).
  • “Enriching the Digital edition of the Kāśikāvr̥tti by adding variants from the Nyāsa and Padamañjarī”: Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit and Digital Humanities section in the 17th World Sanskrit Conference 2018, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Editors: Amba Kulkarni and Gérard Huet. pp. 277–294. New Delhi: D. K. Publishers, 2018. (With Anuja Ajotikar and Peter Scharf.)
  • “Colophons in Sanskrit manuscripts: A study of the Sanskrit Library manuscript catalogue of manuscripts at Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Brown University.” ICON December 2016 IIT BHU. 2016. (With Anuja Ajotikar and Peter Scharf.) http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/resgrp/cnerg/sclws/papers/ajotikar.pdf
  • “Counterexamples (Pratyudāharaṇa) in Pāṇinian grammar.” Vyākaraṇaparipr̥cchā: Proceedings of the Vyākaraṇa section of the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Editors: George Cardona and Hideyo Ogawa, pp. 23–52. New Delhi: D. K. Publishers, 2016. (With Malhar Kulkarni and Peter Scharf.)
  • “Discussion on some important variants in the pratyāhārasūtras in the Kāśikāvr̥tti.” Vyākaraṇaparipr̥cchā: Proceedings of the Vyākaraṇa section of the 16th World Sanskrit Conference. Editors: George Cardona and Hideyo Ogawa, pp. 205–232. New Delhi: D. K. Publishers, 2016. (With Malhar Kulkarni, Anuja Ajotikar and Eivind Kahrs.)
  • “Some issues in formalizing the Aṣṭādhyāyī.” Sanskrit and the IT world: selected papers presented at the World Sanskrit Conference, 28 June–2 July 2015, Silpakorn University, Bangkok. Editor: Amba Kulkarni, pp. 33–58. New Delhi: D. K. Publishers, 2016. (With Anuja Ajotikar and Peter Scharf.)
  • “Adverbs in the Sanskrit wordnet.” Proceedings of the eighth Global Wordnet Conference, Bucharest, Romania, January 27-30, 2016. Editors: Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Corina Forăscu, Christiane Fellbaum and Piek Vossen, pp. 2–9. 2016. (With Malhar Kulkarni.)
  • “Voice, preverb, and transitivity restrictions in Sanskrit verb use.” Sanskrit Syntax, Selected papers presented at the seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures. 13–15 June 2013, Université Paris Diderot, with an updated and revised bibliography by Hans Henrich Hock.’ Editor: Peter M. Scharf, pp. 157-202. Providence: The Sanskrit Library, 2015. (With Peter Scharf, Pawan Goyal and Anuja Ajotikar.)
  • “Semi-Automatic extension of Sanskrit Wordnet using bilingual dictionary.” Proceedings of the Seventh Global Wordnet Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 25-29 January, 2014. Editors: Heili Orav, Christian Fellbaum and Piek Vossen, pp. 324-329. 2014. (With Sudha Bhingardive, Malhar Kulkarni, Irawati Kulkarni and Pushpak Bhattacharyya.)
  • “Verbs in Sanskrit Wordnet.” Proceedings of the Sixth International Global Wordnet Conference, 9-13 January 2012, Matsu, Japan, 2012. Editors: Heili Orav, Christian Fellbaum and Piek Vossen, pp. 30-34. 2012. (With Malhar Kulkarni and Pushpak Bhattacharya.)
  • “Headedness and modification in Nyāya morpho-syntactic theories: towards bracket parsing model.” Proceedings of Sanskrit Computational Linguistics: 4th International Symposium, New Delhi, India, December 2010, LNAI 6564. Editor: Girishnath Jha, pp.106-123. Springer, 2010. (With Malhar Kulkarni, Anuja Ajotikar, Dipesh Katira, Chinmay Dharurakr and Chaitali Dangarikar.)
  • “Āvaraṇa-aṁśavibhājanapaddhatyā padavākyayor nyāyānusāri-viśleṣaṇe prakāratāviśeṣyate.” Sanskrit vidvadgranthamala, 4th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistic Symposium, Gaṇakapāṇinīyam. Editors: Shrinivasa Varakhedi and Amba Kulkarni, pp. 120-147. (in Sanskrit) Hyderabad, 2010. (With Malhar Kulkarni, Anuja Ajotikar, Dipesh KAtira, Chinmay Dharurakar and Chaitali Dangarikar.)


Book Chapter

  • “Pandit M. D. Sathe.” Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature. Editor: Dr. B. K. Dalai, pp. 364–373. Pune: Centre of Advanced Studies in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University, 2015.
  • “Derivation of declension of yuṣmad and asmad in Kātantra grammar.” Alaukikajñānayogī Dr. Gaṇeśa Tryambaka Deśapāṁḍe Smr̥tigrantha. Editors: Dr. Manjushree Dehspande and P. Deshapande, pp. 143–157. Nagpur: G. T. Deshpande Smr̥tigrantha Samitī, Vidyavihara, Ranapratapnagar, 2010. (With Malhar Kulkarni and Anuja Ajotikar.)

Peer-reviewed journal articles

  • “Do counterexamples on the kāraka Rules A. 1.4.33-36 in the Kāśikāvr̥tti serve any purpose?” Bhāṣā: Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology and Grammatical Traditions. Vol. 2–Num. 2–October 2023. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. ed. Andrea Drocco. pp. 245–258. Venice, 2023. https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/journals/bhasha/2023/2/iss-2-2-2023.pdf
  • “Rurudiva rurudima or rudivaḥ rudimaḥ: which is the proper set of counter examples on A.7.2.8?” Uśatī (UGC care listed) vol. 20, 2020. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ganganath Jha Campus. pp. 138–147. Prayagaraj, 2021.
  • “Derivation of declension of yuṣmad and asmad in Haima grammar.” Sanskrit Vimarsh, Vol. IV, A Journal of Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan. pp. 68-79. New Delhi, 2010. (With Malhar Kulkarni and Anuja Ajotikar.)
  • “Derivation of declension of yuṣmad and asmad in Śākaṭāyana grammar.” Journal of Sanskrit Academy Vol. XX. Editor: Shrinivas Varkhedi. Asso. Editor: V. Subrahmanyam, pp. 97-109. (Adarsh Shodha Samstha, Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan, New Delhi.) Hyderabad: Osmania University, 2010. (With Malhar Kulkarni and Anuja Ajotikar.)
  • “Derivation of declension of yuṣmad and asmad in Jainendra grammar.” Journal of the Oriental Institute, Vol. 60 NOS 1-2, September–December. pp. 41-54. Baroda, 2010. (With Malhar Kulkarni and Anuja Ajotikar.)

Papers presented in seminars, conferences, symposia, etc.


  • Nāgeśabhaṭṭaparyālocitabāṣyasammatāṣṭādhyāyīpāṭha and non-pāṇinian grammars: a comparative study of variations in the Aṣṭādhyāyī rules, The 234th Meeting of the American Oriental Society held on 22nd–25th March 2024 in Chicago, IL.
  • Paitāmbarī The XML commentary on the Aṣṭādhyāyī, International Seminar on the phāṇinian grammar and its application held on 13–15 February 2023 at the Central Sanskrit University, Ganganath Jha campus, Prayagraj.
  • Visismiye or visiṣmiye, The 232nd Meeting of the American Oriental Society held on 18th–21st March 2022 in Boston, MA.
  • Analysis of counter examples on 1.4.33 rucyarthānāṁ prīyamāṇaḥ–1.4.38 krudhadruhorupasr̥ṣṭayoḥ karma. XI Coffee Break Conference, Arranged marriages between disciplines, 10–11 December 2021 at Sapienza University of Roma, Rome, Italy.
  • On the conversation of Rāma and Bharata in the Ayodhyākāṇḍa (Chapters 84–104). Second World Ramayana Conference, 24th–29th Janaury 2020 at Jabalpur, Madhyapradesh, India.
  • Bhāṣyasammatāṣṭādhyāyīpāṭha: An unpublished manuscript on variations in the sūtras of the Aṣṭādyāyī. The Vyākaraṇa section in the 17th World Sanskrit Conference, 9th–13th July 2018 at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (With Anuja Ajotikar.)
  • Constructing the textual history of the Kāśikāvr̥tti from the Nyāsa and the Padamañjarī.: the 14th International conference on History of Language Sciences, ICHoLS XIV, 28th August –1st September 2017 at Sobonne University Paris. (With Anuja Ajotikar.)
  • Rurudiva rurudima or rudivaḥ rudimaḥ: Which is a proper counter example on A.7.2.8?: American Oriental Society’s 226th Annual Meeting, 18th–21st March 2016, Boston, MA, USA. 2016.
  • Adverbs in Sanskrit: A Computational Overview.: 15th World Sanskrit Conference, New Delhi. January 2012.


  • Derivation of declension of asmad and yuṣmad in Śākaṭāyana grammar.: All India Oriental Conference, Tirupathi Sanskrit Vidyapitha, Tirupati, Tamilnadu, June 2010.
  • Derivation of declension of asmad and yuṣmad in Jainendra grammar.: All India Oriental Conference, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, July 2008.
  • Saṁhitāyām, a Śāstrārtha (Presentation in Sanskrit): International Seminar, Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vidyapitha, Ramtek, Maharashtra, October 2007 (Invited).
  • oḥ puyaṇjyapare A7.4.80, a Śāstrārtha (Presentaion in Sanskrit): Samīrasamayasaṁvardhinī Vidvatsabhā, śāstrārtha ṇāghavendrasvāmi maṭha, Mantralayam, Andhra Pradesh, March 2007 (Invited).

State or regional:

  • Visismiye or visiṣmiye, Dr. Madhukar Anant Mehendale Endowment Seminar, Deccan college, Post-graduate and research institute, Pune, 14th February 2022.
  • Variations in narration of the birth of Daśaratha’s sons, Dr. Madhukar Anant Mehendale Endowment Seminar, Deccan college, Post-graduate and research institute, Pune, 14th February 2021. (With Anuja Ajotikar)
  • कुम्भकार या समासाविषयी सैद्धान्तिक चर्चा, 10th Brihnamaharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad, Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, December 2013
  • काशिकेतील प्रत्याहारसूत्रातील पाठभेदांविषयी चर्चा, 10th Brihnamaharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad, Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, December 2013
  • समया निकषा या समासांविषयी, 9th Brihnamaharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad, M. J. College, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, November 2011
  • व्याकरणशास्त्रातील प्रत्युदाहरणविषयक विचार, 8th Brihnamaharashtra Prachyavidya Parishad, Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, December 2009

Invited lectures

  • ‘Critical analysis of the Sanskrit WordNet built using the expansion model.’ in the workshop entitled ‘Wordnets for ancient languages’ organized by University of Pavia. 17th April 2024. (via Zoom).
  • Panelist in the panel “Humanities: its importance and career opportunities,” at the 3rd National Youth Convention organized by Sewa International, USA. August 2023 via online mode.
  • Ten lectures ‘Selected readings in the Taittirīya saṁhitā and its healing aspect’, delivered for the teaching staff of the Krihnammacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai. From June to August 2023 via online mode.
  • ‘Preserving Indian traditional knowledge in the digital era’ Mythopia, 6 February 2022 (conducted via Google Meet).
  • “Sanskrit Lexicography in Digital Era” for the online course “The Tradition of the Sanskrit Ko\’sas” organized on the occasion of bicentenary year of the Deccan College, Pune, 4 September 2021 (conducted via Zoom).
  • “Preserving ancient knowledge of Bhārata in digital era,” Hindu Svayamsevaka sangha, Indiana-Kentuky vibhaga, 24 July 2020 (conducted via Zoom).
  • “Sandhis in Saṁskr̥ta” for 1st year BAMS students at JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore, 11 November 2020 (conducted via Zoom).
  • A keynote address in ‘One day workshop on Sanskrit Computational Linguistic Tools’ at Bhavan’s Viviekananda College of Science, Humanities and Commerce, Defense Colony, Secunderabad, Telangana, on 8th August 2019.
  • Two lectures, “Wordnet and Indian semantic theories,” delivered in the course on Indian Semantics and Ontology at IIIT Hyderabad 6th and 9th March 2019.


Guide for research projects

  • A research project entitled ‘Digitization and Markup of कालिदास’s रघुवंश and मल्लिनाथ’s commentary सञ्जीवनी’ undertaken by Ms. Ketaki Kaduskar (Fellow) for Indian Knowledge System Research Grant 2022.

External examiner for research projects

  • Evaluated M.Phil. research project submitted by Jai Paranjape entitled “Caturaṅgabala’s Abhidhānapadipikāṭīkā: An Analytical Study”, as an external examiner for the Shan State Buddhist University, Myanmar. March 2022.

Program committees

  • Member of the program committee of the 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium 15–17 February, 2024, Auroville, Puducherry, India. Reviewed 5 papers.
  • Member of the programming committee of the section Computational Sanskrit and Digital Humanities in the World Sanskrit conference 2018, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Reviewed 8 papers.

Boards of studies

  • Member of the Board of Studies for Sanskrit at K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Science, Mumbai, since April 2022.

Workshops organized


  • An in-person workshop entitled Holistic understanding of human life according to the Vedic tradition) organized for the Indian community in Indianapolis. (12th–13th April 2024).


  • A workshop called Bhāṣāsaṁvid (grammatical analysis of the Garbhavyākaraṇa [4th chapter Suśrutasaṁhitā śārīrasthāna]) organized for 1st year BAMS students at KAHER’s Shri. B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurveda College, Shahapur, Belgavi, Karnataka. (23rd June–25th June 2018)

Lecture series organized

  • An online lecture series entitled Future directions in Pāṇinian research organized for students and faculty members of Sanskrit grammar (24th April–8th May 2023). Two lectures delivered along with the organization of the event.
  • An online lecture series entitled संस्कृत अध्ययनाच्या विविध वाटा organized in Marāṭhī for students of Sanskrit (2nd May–6th May 2024). One lecture delivered along with the organization of the event.

Workshops attended as a resource person


  • A workshop on Digital Philology for Sanskrit at ICON 2020 on 18 December 2019, IIIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
  • A workshop on Digital humanities and Sanskrit, Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan Ganganath Jha campus, 8–14 May 2019. Allahabad. (Trained PhD students in XML tagging of Sanskrit texts in accordance with TEI guidelines as a part of Pre-PhD course of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan for 2018 batch.)
  • A one-day workshop ‘Digital Philology’, LTRC, IIIT hyderabad, 2 May 2019. Hyderabad. (Trained students in XML tagging of Sanskrit texts in accordance with TEI guidelines.)
  • A one-day workshop ‘Digital Humanities for research in Sanskrit’, Deccan College Post graduate and research institute, 12 October 2018. Pune. (Trained the staff and Ph.D students in XML tagging of Sanskrit texts in accordance with TEI guidelines.)
  • A workshop on generating forms of verbal roots in Sanskrit (Dhātupārāyaṇa), Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan Ganganath Jha campus, 01–07 January 2018. Allahabad. (Trained Ph.D students in generating verbal forms following the Pārinian rules as a part of the Pre-Ph.D course of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan for 2017 batch.)
  • A workshop on Digital humanities and Sanskrit, Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan Ganganath Jha campus, 01–14 May 2017. Allahabad. (Trained PhD students in XML tagging of Sanskrit texts in accordance with TEI guidelines as a part of Pre-PhD course of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan for 2016 batch.)
  • A workshop on Sanskrit computational linguistics, Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan Ganganath Jha campus, 19 March–26 March 2017. Allahabad. (Three presentations: XML formalization of the Aṣṭādhyāyī, Sanskrit Wordnet and creating a database for colophons of Sanskrit manuscripts.)
  • An International workshop on Sanskrit computational linguistics, Dvaita Philosophy Research Center, Dept. of European Studies, Manipal University, 2nd January–5th January 2017. Manipal. (Trained participants in XML tagging of Sanskrit texts.)


  • A two-day workshop on Digital Humanities for Sanskrit organized by Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapith, Pune. Nov–Dec 2024.
  • An in-person workshop entitled Holistic understanding of human life according to the Vedic tradition organized for the Indian community in Indianapolis. (12th–13th April 2024).
  • Workshop on research methodology organized by K. J. Somaiya college of arts and science, Mumbai. October 2022.

Workshops attended as a participant


  • A workshop on historical linguistics, Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, University of Hyderabad, 10th February to 28th February 2014.
  • A workshop on Kāraka analyzer, Centre for Advanced Studies in Sanskrit, University of Pune, 3rd December to 8th December 2010.
  • National Workshop on Part Of Speech Tagging of Indian Languages, Gujarat University, Ahmadabad, September 2010.
  • A workshop on Sanskrit computational linguistics, Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad, 19th December to 24th December 2009.