Derivations help

Derivations are processed and stored in The Sanskrit Library Phonetic basic encoding (SLP1) as are all texts in the Sanskrit Library. However, the they may be displayed in many different scripts. Set your preferred display format under Preferences in the Text pane.

Additional information about data-entry and display preferences is available on the texts help page.

Additional features of derivations are the following:

  • The initial display shows for each step of the derivation, the speech form, the sUtra responsible for producing any change in the speech form or its attributes at that step, and any new attribute produced or altered by that sUtra.
  • To view additional attributes inherited from previous states of derivation in the present state of derivation at a particular step, click anywhere in the row of that step. If no new attributes are produced at that step, the attributes column turns olive green. To hide these details, click again in that row. The initial step of derivation will show no difference because no attributes are inherited.
  • To view all the attributes present at every step of derivation, click in the header row. To hide these details, click again in the header row.
  • Each attribute belongs to the range of the speech form indicated in the Range column of the attributes table.
  • Properties associated with basic elements (roots, affixes, augments, and other speech forms), termed DAtu, pratyaya, Agama, and Sabda respectively, are indicated in the properties column in the attributes table displayed in the detailed view of the main attributes column. If no properties belong to an attribute, the properties column is shaded olive green.
  • To view the derivation that stripped the markers off of a basic element in initial instruction, click on the property name upadeSa in the properties column of that basic element.