The Sanskrit Library
- To preserve the precious knowledge of India.
- The Sanskrit Library is dedicated to cataloguing and digitizing all the Sanskrit manuscripts in North America and helping libraries in India and throughout the world catalogue and digitize their collections. We produce a comprehensive Sanskrit manuscript catalogue from digital descriptive catalogue entries incorporating the thorough parameters specified by the American Committee for South Asian Manuscripts using the cutting-edge methods specified in the Text-Encoding Initiative Manuscript Guidelines. We are eager to extend our experience cataloguing manuscripts at Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania, and at Harvard University to smaller collections.
- To bring the precious knowledge of India into the digital medium.
- The Sanskrit Library is dedicated to digitizing Sanskrit texts in all disciplines so that they may be widely available in formats that current and future generations use. While projects such as Google Books, the Million Books Project, and produce digital images, we produce machine-readable text, mark it up in accordance with the Text-Encoding Initiative Guidelines, reproduce it in various scripts, and link it to analytic tools to facilitate understanding. We are eager to extend our initial experience collaborating with the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS) in our International digital Sanskrit library integration project to additional texts.
- To make all Sanskrit lexical sources easily accessible.
- The Sanskrit Library is dedicated to digitizing major bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, specialized subject dictionaries, traditional thesauri, indices of technical terms, and other lexical resources and making them available in our integrated digital dictionary. We are eager to extend our experience collaborating with the Cologne Digital Lexicon Project in the Sanskrit lexical sources: digital synthesis and revision project, in producing Dhātupāṭha indices and producing forty-five digital dictionaries to additional lexical sources.
- To make Sanskrit grammatical resources available in convenient form.
- The Sanskrit Library is dedicated to digitizing Sanskrit grammatical texts and cross-referencing them. We are eager to build on the database of Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī and digital texts of its foundational commentaries produced under an NEH grant directed by George Cardona in the early 1990s and the current project of Sharon Ben-Dor to trace the sources of the Kāsikāvr̥tti.
- To produce resources for teaching and learning Sanskrit.
- The Sanskrit Library is dedicated to producing grammatical tools such as paradigm generators, morphological analyzers, a meter analyzer, a computational implementation of Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī, and a Sanskrit parser, and integrating these with our integrated Sanskrit dictionary and digital texts.
- To produce materials for self-study and classroom use in teaching Sanskrit.
- The Sanskrit Library is dedicated to producing more Sanskrit instructional videos, interactive textbooks, and readers of varous Sanskrit texts. We are eager to extend our experience producing digital pedagogical materials and printed readers such as Scharf's (2003) Rāmopākhyāna --- The story of Rāma in the Mahābhārata: a Sanskrit independent-study reader.
- To promote teaching of Sanskrit language and literature, meditation, yoga, and holistic health care.
- The Sanskrit Library offers courses of instruction in Sanskrit, and the texts and principles of the sciences of yoga and Āyurveda.
- To support under-resourced students to study in Sanskrit Library courses.
- To empower young Sanskrit students with technical knowledge to develop Sanskrit digital texts.
Donate to the Sanskrit Library
Interested in funding a major project? Contact the Sanskrit Library President by email to scharf at sanskritlibrary dot org.