Introductory Sanskrit Ib

  • US101b.
  • This course continues the linguistically rich study of the world's most fascinating language to complete the equivalent of a first-semester university course by proceeding with the survey of the intricate and highly organized structure of the grammar and by including readings adapted from Sanskrit literature.
  • Prerequisite: US101a
  • Continued by US102aUS102b.
  • Instructor: Peter M. Scharf.
  • Schedule: 4–15 December 2022, 15 January – 9 March 2023.
  • Course meeting times: Sunday and Thursday 10:00-11:00am U.S. Central Time, or by arrangement with course participants.
  • Course fee: $1,500.
  • Register.
  • Course materials: Scharf, Peter M. {S}abdabrahma: a first-year Sanskrit text. Providence: The Sanskrit Library, 2010.
Lecture Topic
8 The imperative and optative moods
9 Feminine I/U-stem nominals
10 Class 5, 8, and 9 present stem verbs
11 Short i/u-stem nominals
12 Class 2, 3, and 7 verbs and f-stem nominals


Week of Reading Assignment
4 December 2022 Chapter 8: The imperative and optative moods Exercises 8.1–22: Imperative and optative verbs, personal and interrogative pronouns
11 December 2022 Exercises 8.23: An episode from the {b}AlakARqa of the {r}AmAyaRa: {v}iSvAmitra's sons
15 January 2023 Chapter 9: Feminine I/U-stem nominals Exercises 9.1–16: Feminine polysyllabic and monosyllabic I and U-stem nouns, and particles
22 January 2023 Exercise 9.17: {k}umArasaMBava: The birth of {k}umAra
29 January 2023 Chapter 10: Class 5, 8, and 9 present stem verbs Exercises 10.1–10: Class 5, 8, and 9 verbs
5 February 2023 Exercises 10.11: Of students, teachers and dharma
12 February 2023 Chapter 11: Short i/u-stem nominals Exercises 11.1–11: i/u-stem nominals, and the use of particles in argument structure
19 February 2023 Exercises 11.12: The tale of Hari Candra
26 February 2023 Chapter 12: Class 2, 3, and 7 verbs and f-stem nominals Exercises 12.1–10: Vocalic f-stems, classes 2, 3, and 7 verbs, and double accusative
5 March 2023 Exercise 12.13: The tale of Hari Candra (continued)