{p}ARinian sanDi rules

  • CG21.
  • This course offers an introduction to detailed study of {p}ARini's grammar with the study of five sanDi rules beginning with reading the {s}idDAntakOmudI on these rules. Those who have learnt basics of {p}ARinian grammar will enjoy this course by reading rules with the help of a commentary. A detailed description of each rule will be discussed in the course. The course will meet for an hour once a week for 10 weeks. The topics covered in the course are as follows
  • Instructor: Tanuja P. Ajotikar.
  • Prerequisite: US101–102 or equivalent introduction to Sanskrit, or CG20 Introduction to the pARinian tradition, or equivalent.
  • Schedule: 16 January – 20 March 2021
  • Course meeting times: Saturday 9:00-10:00am U.S. Central Time (IST 8:30pm-9:30pm).
  • Course fee: $400.
  • Express interest.
  • Course materials:
    1. Giridhara Śarmā Chaturveda and Parameśvarānanda Śarmā Bhāskara, eds. 1958–1961. Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita’s Vaiyākaraṇa-siddhānta-kaumudī with Vāsudeva Dīkṣita’s Bālamanoramā and Jñānendra Sarasvatī’s Tattvabodhinī. Vol. I. New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas.
    2. Vasu, S. C., trans. 1906. The Siddhāntakaumudī of Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita edited and translated into English. Vol. I. Delhi.
    3. Cardona, George. 1976. Pāṇini: A survey of research, The Hague; Paris: Mouten.
    4. Cardona, George. 1997. Pāṇini: His work and its tradition, Delhi; Motilal Banarasidas.
    5. .
Lecture Topic
1 iko yaRaci 6.1.77
2 sAvarRya and Antaratamya
3 sTAnivadAdeSo 'nalviDO 1.1.56
4 acaH parasminpUrvaviDO 1.1.57
5 na padAntadvirvacanavareyalopasvarasavarRAnusvAradIrGajaScarviDizu 1.1.58
6 Concluding the discussion on iko yaRaci 6.1.77
7 eco 'yavAyAvaH 6.1.78
8 vAnto yi pryatyaye 6.1.79
9 DAtostannimittasyEva 6.1.80
10 kzayyajayyO SakyArTe 6.1.81 and krayyastadarTe 6.1.82