{D}AtupAWa: The {m}ADavIyaDAtuvftti.

  • US310.
  • Students are introduced to the structure and content of the {p}ARinian {D}AtupAWa and study the beginning of the {m}ADavIyaDAtuvftti with detailed exploration of the sUtras of the {a}zwADyAyI cited in the derivation of the speech forms mentioned in it with the {k}ASikA and other commentaries on them.
  • Instructor: Peter M. Scharf.
  • Prerequisite: advanced Sanskrit, a thorough introduction to {p}ARinian grammar, and permission of the instructor. Prospective students are advised to contact the instructor before registering by email to: info@sanskritlibrary.org
  • Schedule: 20 January – 4 May 2024.
  • Course meeting times: Saturday 2:00-4:00pm U.S. Central Time.
  • Course fee: $3,000.
  • Register.
  • Course materials:
    • Shastri, Dwarikadas, ed. 1983. The Mādhavīyā Dhātuvṛtti [A treatise on Sanskrit roots based on the Dhātupāṭha of Pāṇini] by Sāyaṇācārya. 2nd. ed. Kamachha, Varanasi: Tara Book Agency.
    • स्वामी द्वारिकादासशास्त्री सम्पादकः। १९८३। श्रीसायणाचार्यविरचिता माधवीया धातुवृत्तिः [पाणिनीयधातुपाठव्याख्यानात्मिका]. वाराणसी--तारा बुक ऐजेंसी ।
    • सम्पादकः विजयपालो विद्यावारधिः। २०१९। श्रीसायणाचार्यविरचिता माधवीया धातुवृत्तिः [पाणिनीयधातुपाठव्याख्यानात्मिका]. सोनीपत—रामलाल कपूर ट्रस्ट।


1 Introduction to the structure of the {D}AtupAWa
2 The root {B}U and its meanings
3 The meaning of verbal roots
4 The meaning of speech forms in general
5 The nature of action
6 The nature and divisions of time
7 The nature of the agent (kartf) and direct object (karman)
8 The identification of markers and their deletion
9 The derivation of verbal forms of the root {B}U
10 The nominal derivates of the root {B}U


Reading the beginning of the {m}ADavIyaDAtuvftti: the commentary on the root BU through the derivation of the present indicative active (law), 12 September – 19 December 2022.

Continuation of reading the {m}ADavIyaDAtuvftti: the commentary on the root BU beginning with the derivation of the perfect indicative active (liw), the remaining l-affixes (lakAras), the karmakartf, karmaRi and BAva prayogas, puruza, the kArakas karaRaapAdAna, 21 January – 6 May 2023.

Continuation of reading the {m}ADavIyaDAtuvftti: the commentary on the root BU beginning with the meaning of the genitive case (zazWI viBakti), aDikaraRa, samboDana, participles, secondary roots, 16 September – 16 December 2023.

Continuation of reading the {m}ADavIyaDAtuvftti: the commentary on the root BU beginning with the nominal derivates ending in kft-affixes, and ending with those ending in uRAdi-affixes. In the remainder of the course, we will read the {v}EyAkaraRaBUzaRasAra {D}AtvarTanirRaya 20 January – 4 May 2024.