√vid2 'find'
present: [6.] vind/ati vind/ate etc. V.+ -- [2.] vitt/e etc. vid/e (3s.) vidr/e vidAm (3s.) vidAn/a v/idAna vindate (3p.) vindyAt? perfect: viv/eda vividus etc. V.+ viv/ediTa vividat vivid/e etc. aorist: [1.] avedi v/edi -- [2.] /avidat /avidata etc. vid/Asi etc. vid/At etc. vid/et videta etc. videzwa -- [3.] avIvidat -- [4.] avitsi future: [1.] vetsyati vetsyate etc. B.+ vedizyati -- [2.] vettA verbal: vitt/a V.+ vinna AV.+ vettum ve/ttave ve/ttavE? ve/ttos vittv/A -v/idya B.+ vid/e secondary: passive: vidy/ate etc. V.+ vidy/ati etc. -- intensive: v/evidat v/evidAna etc. -- desiderative: vivitsati etc. B.+ -- causative: vedayati etc. derivatives: -vid V.+ -v/idya V. -v/eda V.+ -vedaka C. -vedin C. vedya B.+ v/edana V.+ -vedanIya C. v/edas V.+ v/eduka B. vitti AV.+ -vettavya C. -vettf E.+ v/edizWa RV. v/edIyas RV. vid/Ayya RV. -vinda B.+ -vindu V.B. -vindaka C. -vivitsu? E. Doubtless originally the same with the preceding root. In some of their meanings, the two are so close together as hardly to be separable; and there are instances, from the Veda down, of exchanges of forms between them.