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vaYc 'move crookedly'

present: [1.] v/aYcati  v/aYcate  

perfect: vavaYca  vAvakre  

[aorist: vacyAt  avavaYcat  avaYcIt  vaYcizyati  vaYcitA  vaYcitvA  ]

secondary: passive: vacy/ate etc. V.+   -- intensive: vanIvaYc-  avAvacIt?   -- desiderative: vivaYciza-   -- causative: vaYcayati etc. U.+  vaYcayate etc. E.+  vaYcyate E.+  

derivatives: vaYcaka E.+  vaYcana V.+  vaYcanIya E.+  vaNk/u RV.  v/aNkri V.+  vakr/a AV.+  v/akva RV.  v/akvan RV.  vaYcayitf C.  vaYcayitavya E.+  

It is hardly necessary to assume a different root-form vak for a part of these forms, since they are all such as sometimes show a guttural in place of a palatal of the root.