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fj 'direct, stretch, attain'

present: [7.] fYjate (3p.)   -- [6.] fYj/ati  fYj/ate etc.   -- [4.] /fjyant  fjyate   -- fYjase (1s.)  fYjasAn/a   -- [1.] /arjati  

perfect: Anarjus  AnFj/us  

aorist: [3.] Arjijat   -- Arjizwa  

[future: arjizyati  arjitA  ]

verbal: fYj/ase  

secondary: rjyate   -- desiderative: arjijiza-   -- causative: arjayati  arjayate etc.  

derivatives: arjaka  -arjya C.  arjana E.+  arjanIya C.  -arjayitf C.  fjipy/a RV.  fj/iSvan RV.  fjIp/in RV.  fjIz/a RV.  fjUnas RV.  -fNga RV.  fjIyas V.  fj/u V.+  r/aji RV.  r/ajizWa RV.B.  rajIyas JB.  rAji AV.+  

It seems impossible to divide these forms (generally distributed to two different roots) from one another. The root has three well-marked stages of develoment: fj or fYj in Rv., arj in Brah., and arjaya in the later languge. Compare also √rAj, probably a derivative from it. With it is related, further, the anomalously formed stem irajya (irajy/ati -te etc. RV., and irajy/u RV.), 'direct, rule'.