√Uh1 'remove'
present: [1.] /Uhati V.+ /Uhate V.+ [perfect: UhAM cakAra ]aorist: [1.] uhyAt ohi -- [3.] Ojihat -- [5.] OhIt verbal: UQa B.+ Uhita Uhitum E.+ oQum E.+ -Uhitav/E -Uhya B.+ -/uhya B.+ -/oham -/Uham secondary: passive: uhyate B.+ Uhyate -- causative: Uhayati derivatives: Uha AV.+ -Uhaka C. Uhy`a B.+ Uhana S.+ UhanIya S.+ Uhitavya C. UQi C. -oha RV. -oGas? RV. Doubtless a differentiated form of √vah, from which in some forms and meanings it is hardly to be separated.