gshell is an interactive utility for testing morphological rules. The gshell interpreter and GFramework library are implemented in Perl. Copyright © 2003-2008 The Sanskrit Library. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) Version 2. See the file COPYING for more details. Development of this software has been supported by NSF grant IIS-0535207. The current version of GFramework is 2.7.


Installation and prerequisites

GFramework requires the Expat XML parser and the XML::Parser library from CPAN. If you would like interactive input editing facilities (cf. man readline), you should install the GNU Readline Library as well as Term::ReadLine::Gnu. (But gshell can be used without the readline facility.) Perl libraries can be installed using the CPAN module (see man 3 CPAN). If you're using Mac OS X, you may find it convenient to use Fink to install the system libraries (assuming the normal Fink installation in /sw/bin, you can do sudo /sw/bin/fink install expat; sudo /sw/bin/fink install readline). If you use Fink to install libraries under /sw, you will need to configure the Perl modules for the appropriate library paths (for XML::Parser, perl Makefile.PL --includedir=/sw/include --libdir=/sw/lib; for Term::ReadLine::Gnu, perl Makefile.PL EXPATLIBPATH=/sw/lib EXPATINCPATH=/sw/include).

If is not installed in the same directory as, it must be installed in a directory listed in @INC (you can indicate the location with the -I switch to perl).

Sample session

gertie:~/work/morph/v2 mdh$ ./ 
Welcome to gshell, using GFramework 2.7
Copyright (C) 2003-2008 The Sanskrit Library
gshell>load Decl2003Nov13.xml 
gshell>decl kartf n
Stem matches "[iuf]$", gender "n".
                s                       d                       p
1   | kartf                 | kartfRI               | kartFRi               |
v   | kartaH                | kartfRI               | kartFRi               |
2   | kartf                 | kartfRI               | kartFRi               |
3   | kartfRA               | kartfByAm             | kartfBiH              |
4   | kartfRe               | kartfByAm             | kartfByaH             |
5   | kartfRaH              | kartfByAm             | kartfByaH             |
6   | kartfRaH              | kartfRoH              | kartFRAm              |
7   | kartfRi               | kartfRoH              | kartfzu               |
        apply affixes: "basic_nominal"
        apply ruleset: "neuter-stem_derivation"
        apply ruleset: "neuter_iuf-stem_derivation"
        apply ruleset: "neuter_iuf-stem_changes"
        apply ruleset: "sandhi"
gshell>hist n7s
        kartf#i -applied affix: #i
        kartfn#i        ([iuf])(#)([@(ac)]) -> $1n#$3 for n (7.1.73)
        kartfR#i        ([fFrz][#@(aw)@(ku)@(pu)M]*)(n)(.*[@(ac)]) -> $1R$3 (8.4.1-2)
        kartfRi (#) -> <NOTHING> 
gshell>desc ku
"ku" is a macro:
Commands are: bye conjugate decline describe help history load steps
gertie:~/work/morph/v2 mdh$ 

Command summary

The following commands (which may be abbreviated, provided the abbreviation is not ambiguous) are available in gshell:

command arguments description
bye quit the shell
conjugate STEM ROOT MORPHID LEXID conjugate the verbal STEM for the paradigm including MORPHID; STEM is a valid STEM of ROOT with the lexical identification LEXID
decline STEM GENDER [LEXID] decline the nominal STEM for GENDER (m, f, or n); if LEXID is not specified, assume that the STEM is a noun stem
describe OBJECT describe the named macro, mapping, function, or ruleset
help provide a brief list of valid commands
history MORPHID display the derivational history of the form with MORPHID in the most recently generated paradigm
load FILE load and parse the specified grammatical specification in XML format
steps display the rulesets used in the generation of the previous paradigm