Data must be entered in the encoding scheme chosen in the 'input' list. The default transliteration scheme is SLP1 (Sanskrit Library Phonetic Basic).
SLP1, the
Sanskrit Library Phonetic Basic transliteration scheme.
aAiIuUfFxXeEoOMH kKgGN cCjJY wWqQR tTdDn pPbBm yrlvSzsh |
a A i I u U R RR lR lRR e ai o au M H k kh g gh G c ch j jh J T Th D Dh N t th d dh n p ph b bh m y r l v z S s h |
a aa i ii u uu Ri RI Li LI e ai o au M H k kh g gh ~N ch Ch j jh ~n T Th D Dh N t th d dh n p ph b bh m y r l v sh Sh s h |
Sanskrit Library applications currently support display in Devanagari and Roman scripts. When Devanagari Unicode is selected as the display option, data will be output in Devanagari Unicode encoding which require a Devanagari Unicode font for proper display. Display in Romanization is supported in traditional Romanization (using either Unicode or CSX encodings which require a Roman Unicode font or CSX font for proper display), and in the encodings available for data entry (described above).
The TITUS Cyberbit font is capable of displaying the special characters needed for the Unicode Roman display.
The CSX Romanization mode may be used with John Smith's Times CSX+ fonts. These fonts are distributed under the GNU General Public License. The Sanskrit Library recommends installation of the TrueType (TTF) version of these fonts for both Macintosh and Windows platforms:
The Devanagari display requires a font covering the Unicode Devanagari range (with support for conjunct consonant glyphs) as well a browser and operating system that can handle Indic text shaping. The display has been successfully tested on Windows XP using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and on Mac OS X using the Opera browser.
Users of Windows XP should be able to view the Devanagari display correctly using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. The Mangal font supplied with the operating system contains the requisite characters. In order to view correctly all characters in the Unicode Romanization, it is recommended that the user install the TITUS Cyberbit font. The Arial Unicode MS font also works well. One of these fonts may be set from Internet Explorer via the 'Tools/InternetOptions/Fonts' button.
Users of Mac OS X (10.2+) should have fonts with the required characters; these are supplied by Apple with the operating system (Devanagari MT and Lucida Grande). At present, the Devanagari display is only confirmed to work with the Opera browser.
Users of older versions of Windows and Mac OS are advised to download and install the free CSX+ fonts and to use the CSX+ Romanization option.
Users of other operating systems may investigate other Unicode Devanagari fonts and may find this test page useful.GNU/Linux users should consult the Indic Fonts HOWTO.