Input Verse:

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This tool identifies the meter of the given Sanskrit verse. As of now it recognizes 503 classical Sanskrit meters. Vedic meters like Gāyatrī and Uṣṇik and some āryā meters are in the process of being implemented. Right side some examples are given in both Unicode Devanagari and SLP1 . Try them by just copying only SLP1 text and pasting it in the input box. At present it accepts only SLP1 (Sanskrit Library Phonetic Basic) input method. At the top right corner a link is given for SLP1 encoding. To convert the text to SLP1 from other input methods use this link - .

All the verses contain four quarters. Here the user is given a provision to give the input as one quarter or half or full of a verse. Even the user can give two and more verses or verse along with prose. When verse along with prose is given as input, the tool only read the verse and give the result. There is no need of dandas or periods at the endings of lines. The tool eliminates all the unnecessary characters such as numbers and symbols if they are typed by mistake. Please refer to the example verses.

This tool is prepared by Keshav Melnad, Ph.D student, IIT Bombay under the guidance of Prof. Peter Scharf and Prof. Malhar Kulkarni with the help of Pawan Goyal and Arjun Atreya as a part of paper presentation titled "Meter Identification of Sanskrit Verse" which was presented in the 'Seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures', Université Paris Diderot, Paris on 14th June, 2013. The updated version of the tool will be available to the user very soon.